1 curvature pressure
- curvature pressure
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > curvature pressure
2 curvature pressure
Строительство: капиллярное давление -
3 curvature pressure
4 pressure
- pressure
- n1. давление; напор; сжатие
2. прессование
to bring to atmospheric pressure — привести к атмосферному давлению (напр. давление в рабочей камере или шлюзе)
- absolute pressure
- active pressure
- active earth pressure
- air pressure
- allowable pressure
- assembly clamping pressure
- atmospheric pressure
- at-rest earth pressure
- back pressure
- balance pressure
- barometric pressure
- bearing pressure
- building pressure
- capillary pressure
- circulating pressure
- concrete pressure on formwork
- condensing pressure
- confining pressure
- contact pressure
- critical pressure
- curvature pressure
- cutoff pressure
- delivery pressure
- design pressure
- differential pressure
- discharge pressure
- dynamic pressure
- earth pressure
- earth back pressure
- effective pressure
- end-bearing pressure
- end pressure
- equalizing pressure
- equilibrium pressure
- evaporating pressure
- excess pressure
- excess pore pressure
- filtration pressure
- flow pressure
- footing contact pressure
- form pressure
- full pressure
- gauge pressure
- gravity pressure
- head pressure
- high pressure
- hydrodynamic pressure
- hydrostatic pressure
- ice pressure
- impact pressure
- initial pressure
- inlet pressure
- intake pressure
- intergranular pressure
- internal radial pressure
- lateral earth pressure
- low pressure
- manometric pressure
- mean pressure
- negative pressure
- negative pore pressure
- negative wind pressure on roof
- net bearing pressure
- neutral pressure
- neutral stress pressure
- operating pressure
- partial pressure
- passive earth pressure
- permissible pressure
- population pressure
- pore-water pressure
- positive wind pressure
- preconsolidation pressure
- presumptive pressure
- relative pressure
- safe working pressure
- saturated vapor pressure
- saturation pressure
- seepage pressure
- sound pressure
- spring pressure
- standard atmospheric pressure
- static pressure
- static fan pressure
- steam pressure
- suction pressure
- super-high pressure
- supply pressure
- surcharge pressure
- surplus pressure
- swelling pressure
- test pressure
- total pressure
- total fan pressure
- total horizontal water pressure
- total normal water pressure
- tyre pressure
- unit pressure
- vacuum-gauge pressure
- vapor pressure
- velocity pressure
- wave pressure
- wind pressure
- working pressure
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
5 pressure
1) давление; сжатие2) прессование, вдавливание•- active pressure - allowable pressure - allowable soil pressure - artesian pressure - atmospheric pressure - balance pressure - barometric pressure - base pressure - bearing pressure - collapsing pressure - contact pressure - design pressure - dynamic pressure - earth pressure - excess pressure - excessive pressure - exhaust pressure - extreme pressure - failure pressure - full pressure - gauge pressure - ground pressure - head pressure - high pressure - hydraulic pressure - hydrostatic pressure - impact pressure - inadequate pressure - input pressure - jet pressure - line pressure - maximum soil pressure - oil pressure - osmotic pressure - overload pressure - partial pressure - percolation pressure - potential pressure - rated pressure - reaction pressure - saturation vapour pressure - sea level pressure - soil pressure - specific pressure - suction pressure - supercritical pressure - support pressure - surface pressure - system pressure - threshold pressure - tire air pressure - top pressure - unit pressure - upward pressure - vapour pressure - velocity pressure - water pressure - wheel pressure - wind pressure - working pressure* * *1. давление; напор; сжатие2. прессование- absolute pressureto bring to atmospheric pressure — привести к атмосферному давлению (напр. давление в рабочей камере или шлюзе)
- active pressure
- active earth pressure
- air pressure
- allowable pressure
- assembly clamping pressure
- atmospheric pressure
- at-rest earth pressure
- back pressure
- balance pressure
- barometric pressure
- bearing pressure
- building pressure
- capillary pressure
- circulating pressure
- concrete pressure on formwork
- condensing pressure
- confining pressure
- contact pressure
- critical pressure
- curvature pressure
- cutoff pressure
- delivery pressure
- design pressure
- differential pressure
- discharge pressure
- dynamic pressure
- earth pressure
- earth back pressure
- effective pressure
- end-bearing pressure
- end pressure
- equalizing pressure
- equilibrium pressure
- evaporating pressure
- excess pressure
- excess pore pressure
- filtration pressure
- flow pressure
- footing contact pressure
- form pressure
- full pressure
- gauge pressure
- gravity pressure
- head pressure
- high pressure
- hydrodynamic pressure
- hydrostatic pressure
- ice pressure
- impact pressure
- initial pressure
- inlet pressure
- intake pressure
- intergranular pressure
- internal radial pressure
- lateral earth pressure
- low pressure
- manometric pressure
- mean pressure
- negative pressure
- negative pore pressure
- negative wind pressure on roof
- net bearing pressure
- neutral pressure
- neutral stress pressure
- operating pressure
- partial pressure
- passive earth pressure
- permissible pressure
- population pressure
- pore-water pressure
- positive wind pressure
- preconsolidation pressure
- presumptive pressure
- relative pressure
- safe working pressure
- saturated vapor pressure
- saturation pressure
- seepage pressure
- sound pressure
- spring pressure
- standard atmospheric pressure
- static pressure
- static fan pressure
- steam pressure
- suction pressure
- super-high pressure
- supply pressure
- surcharge pressure
- surplus pressure
- swelling pressure
- test pressure
- total pressure
- total fan pressure
- total horizontal water pressure
- total normal water pressure
- tyre pressure
- unit pressure
- vacuum-gauge pressure
- vapor pressure
- velocity pressure
- wave pressure
- wind pressure
- working pressure -
6 coefficient
- coefficient of acidity - coefficient of adhesion - coefficient of admission - coefficient of air resistance - coefficient of attenuation - coefficient of brightness - coefficient of charge - coefficient of cohesion - coefficient of compressibility - coefficient of conduction - coefficient of conductivity - coefficient of consolidation - coefficient of contraction - coefficient of contrast - coefficient of correction - coefficient of cubical expansion - coefficient of cyclic variation - coefficient of deformation - coefficient of dilution - coefficient of discharge - coefficient of dispersion - coefficient of earth pressure - coefficient of efficiency - coefficient of elasticity - coefficient of expansion - coefficient of expansion by heat - coefficient of extension - coefficient of fast power - coefficient of filtration - coefficient of flat expansion - coefficient of flow - coefficient of fuel - coefficient of haze - coefficient of heat absorption - coefficient of heat conductivity - coefficient of heat emission - coefficient of heat passage - coefficient of heat transfer - coefficient of heat transmission - coefficient of impact - coefficient of internal friction - coefficient of light diffusion - coefficient of mechanical efficiency - coefficient of moisture precipitation - coefficient of oscillation - coefficient of overall heat - coefficient of overflow - coefficient of passive earth pressure - coefficient of performance - coefficient of permeability - coefficient of radiation - coefficient of recovery - coefficient of resistance - coefficient of restitution - coefficient of roughness - coefficient of rugosity - coefficient of safety - coefficient of soil reaction - coefficient of storage - coefficient of subgrade - coefficient of subgrade reaction - coefficient of thermal conductivity - coefficient of thermal efficiency - coefficient of thermal expansion - coefficient of thermal transmission - coefficient of torsion - coefficient of transmissibility - coefficient of uniformity - coefficient of utilization - coefficient of variation - coefficient of velocity - coefficient of viscosity - coefficient of wear - absorption coefficient - abuse coefficient - acoustic absorption coefficient - acoustic reflection coefficient - aeration coefficient - aerodynamical coefficient - assurance coefficient - attenuation coefficient - bending moments coefficients - buckling coefficient - collision coefficient - compression coefficient - consolidation coefficient - contraction coefficient - correlation coefficient - cost coefficient - creep coefficient - damping coefficient - decay coefficient - dependability coefficient - dewatering coefficient - diffusion coefficient - discharge coefficient - distribution coefficient - drainage coefficient - dynamic coefficient - efficiency coefficient - emissivity coefficient - extinguishing coefficient - filtration coefficient - flexibility coefficient - friction coefficient - fusing coefficient - heat convection coefficient - heat emission coefficient - heat loss coefficient - heat transfer coefficient - transmission coefficient - hygroscopic coefficient - infiltration coefficient - influence coefficient - inside film coefficient - internal friction coefficient - kinematic coefficient of viscosity - labour coefficient - lateral pressure coefficient - lateral earth pressure coefficient - leakage coefficient - length coefficient - line expansion coefficient - load coefficient - moderating coefficient - noise coefficient - noise reduction coefficient - numerical coefficient - permeability coefficient - plasticity coefficient - positive coefficient - power coefficient - reduction coefficient - reflection coefficient - reliability coefficient - rotational inertia coefficient - roughness coefficient - run-off coefficient - safety coefficient - saturation coefficient - slope-deflection coefficient - sound-absorbing coefficient - sound absorption coefficient - stability coefficient - strength coefficient - surface coefficient - temperature coefficient - thermal conductivity coefficient - transfer coefficient - uniformity coefficient - vapour permeability coefficient - void coefficient - waste coefficient - weir coefficient* * *коэффициент; множитель; параметр; индекс- coefficient of active earth pressure
- coefficient of compressibility
- coefficient of conductivity
- coefficient of consolidation
- coefficient of contraction
- coefficient of creep
- coefficient of cubical expansion
- coefficient of curvature
- coefficient of discharge
- coefficient of earth pressure
- coefficient of elasticity
- coefficient of expansion
- coefficient of filtration
- coefficient of friction
- coefficient of heat pump performance
- coefficient of heat transfer
- coefficient of internal friction
- coefficient of kinetic friction
- coefficient of linear expansion
- coefficient of moisture precipitation
- coefficient of natural relative collapsibility
- coefficient of overall heat transmission
- coefficient of passive earth pressure
- coefficient of performance
- coefficient of permeability
- coefficient of permeability to water
- coefficient of radiation
- coefficient of reduction
- coefficient of resistance
- coefficient of restitution
- coefficient of retardation
- coefficient of rigidity
- coefficient of rolling friction
- coefficient of roughness
- coefficient of safety
- coefficient of sliding friction
- coefficient of soil reaction
- coefficient of sorting
- coefficient of static friction
- coefficient of storage
- coefficient of strain
- coefficient of subgrade reaction
- coefficient of surface conductance
- coefficient of thermal conductivity
- coefficient of thermal expansion
- coefficient of thermal stability
- coefficient of transmissibility
- coefficient of uniformity
- coefficient of utilization
- coefficient of variation
- coefficient of volume change
- coefficient of water demand
- coefficient of wear
- absolute viscosity coefficient
- aerodynamic coefficient
- attenuation coefficient
- bending moment coefficients
- buckling coefficient
- Chézy discharge coefficient
- collision coefficient
- consolidation coefficient
- contraction coefficient
- correlation coefficient
- creep coefficient
- curvature coefficient
- damping coefficient
- dewatering coefficient
- dimensionless coefficient
- discharge coefficient
- distribution coefficient
- drag coefficient
- drainage coefficient
- expansion coefficient
- film coefficient of heat transfer
- flow coefficient
- frictional coefficient
- friction coefficient
- head loss coefficient
- heat absorption coefficient
- heat-conduction coefficient
- heat emission coefficient
- heat transfer coefficient
- hydroscopic coefficient
- infiltration coefficient
- inside film coefficient
- kinematic viscosity coefficient
- Lamq coefficient
- leakage coefficient
- linear expansion coefficient
- loss coefficient
- Manning's roughness coefficient
- mass transfer coefficient
- noise reduction coefficient
- numerical coefficient
- outside film coefficient of heat transfer
- outside film coefficient
- overall coefficient of heat transfer
- performance coefficient
- permeability coefficient
- power coefficient
- pressure coefficient
- radiation heat transfer coefficient
- reduction coefficient
- reflection coefficient
- reliability coefficient
- resistance coefficient
- rotational inertia coefficient
- runoff coefficient
- safety coefficient
- saturation coefficient
- shear coefficient
- shrinkage coefficient
- solar absorption coefficient
- sorting coefficient
- sound absorption coefficient
- sound reflection coefficient
- sound transmission coefficient
- stability coefficient
- stiffness coefficient
- storage coefficient
- strain-hardening coefficient
- strength coefficient
- surface coefficient of heat transfer
- temperature conductivity coefficient
- thermal expansion coefficient
- transmissibility coefficient
- vapor permeability coefficient
- viscosity coefficient
- void coefficient
- volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
- weir coefficient
- wobble coefficient -
7 coefficient
- coefficient
- nкоэффициент; множитель; параметр; индекс
- coefficient of active earth pressure
- coefficient of compressibility
- coefficient of conductivity
- coefficient of consolidation
- coefficient of contraction
- coefficient of creep
- coefficient of cubical expansion
- coefficient of curvature
- coefficient of discharge
- coefficient of earth pressure
- coefficient of elasticity
- coefficient of expansion
- coefficient of filtration
- coefficient of friction
- coefficient of heat pump performance
- coefficient of heat transfer
- coefficient of internal friction
- coefficient of kinetic friction
- coefficient of linear expansion
- coefficient of moisture precipitation
- coefficient of natural relative collapsibility
- coefficient of overall heat transmission
- coefficient of passive earth pressure
- coefficient of performance
- coefficient of permeability
- coefficient of permeability to water
- coefficient of radiation
- coefficient of reduction
- coefficient of resistance
- coefficient of restitution
- coefficient of retardation
- coefficient of rigidity
- coefficient of rolling friction
- coefficient of roughness
- coefficient of safety
- coefficient of sliding friction
- coefficient of soil reaction
- coefficient of sorting
- coefficient of static friction
- coefficient of storage
- coefficient of strain
- coefficient of subgrade reaction
- coefficient of surface conductance
- coefficient of thermal conductivity
- coefficient of thermal expansion
- coefficient of thermal stability
- coefficient of transmissibility
- coefficient of uniformity
- coefficient of utilization
- coefficient of variation
- coefficient of volume change
- coefficient of water demand
- coefficient of wear
- absolute viscosity coefficient
- aerodynamic coefficient
- attenuation coefficient
- bending moment coefficients
- buckling coefficient
- Chézy discharge coefficient
- collision coefficient
- consolidation coefficient
- contraction coefficient
- correlation coefficient
- creep coefficient
- curvature coefficient
- damping coefficient
- dewatering coefficient
- dimensionless coefficient
- discharge coefficient
- distribution coefficient
- drag coefficient
- drainage coefficient
- expansion coefficient
- film coefficient of heat transfer
- flow coefficient
- frictional coefficient
- friction coefficient
- head loss coefficient
- heat absorption coefficient
- heat-conduction coefficient
- heat emission coefficient
- heat transfer coefficient
- hydroscopic coefficient
- infiltration coefficient
- inside film coefficient
- kinematic viscosity coefficient
- Lamq coefficient
- leakage coefficient
- linear expansion coefficient
- loss coefficient
- Manning's roughness coefficient
- mass transfer coefficient
- noise reduction coefficient
- numerical coefficient
- outside film coefficient of heat transfer
- outside film coefficient
- overall coefficient of heat transfer
- performance coefficient
- permeability coefficient
- power coefficient
- pressure coefficient
- radiation heat transfer coefficient
- reduction coefficient
- reflection coefficient
- reliability coefficient
- resistance coefficient
- rotational inertia coefficient
- runoff coefficient
- safety coefficient
- saturation coefficient
- shear coefficient
- shrinkage coefficient
- solar absorption coefficient
- sorting coefficient
- sound absorption coefficient
- sound reflection coefficient
- sound transmission coefficient
- stability coefficient
- stiffness coefficient
- storage coefficient
- strain-hardening coefficient
- strength coefficient
- surface coefficient of heat transfer
- temperature conductivity coefficient
- thermal expansion coefficient
- transmissibility coefficient
- vapor permeability coefficient
- viscosity coefficient
- void coefficient
- volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
- weir coefficient
- wobble coefficient
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
8 tensor
9 panel
панель; распределительная доска [щит]; приборная доска; консоль ( крыла) ; клин ( полотнища парашютного купола) ; сигнальное полотнище; комиссия, рабочая группаa.c. power panel — щиток управления электросистемой переменного тока
d.c. power panel — щиток управления электросистемой постоянного тока
emergency flotation gear panel — верт. панель аварийных средств обеспечения плавучести
essential services circuit breaker panel — эл. щиток автоматов защиты важнейших потребителей
first officer's instrument panel — приборная доска [панель] второго лётчика [пилота]
hat section stiffened panel — панель, подкрепленная корытообразным профилем
navigation function selector panel — щиток переключения видов [режимов] работы навигационных средств
navigation mode selector panel — щиток переключения видов [режимов] работы навигационных средств
rack cartridge ground test panel — щиток наземной проверки пиропатронов. подвески
10 line
1) линия; черта || проводить линию; линовать2) строка; строчка3) геом. прямая4) конвейер; технологическая линия; поточная линия5) канат; трос; мор. линь6) трубопровод || прокладывать трубопровод7) футеровка; кладка || футеровать; выкладывать8) облицовка || облицовывать9) геом. ось10) очередь, хвост11) ряд; серия; линия; партия ( изделий)12) контур; очертания13) линия (связи)15) рельсовый путь17) короткое письмо18) соосный || располагать соосно•in line — на одной линии; совмещённый; совпадающий
in line with — в соответствии с; согласующийся с
in straight lines — мат. прямолинейно
in the line of — в направлении, по направлению, вдоль, по линии
line tangent to — геом. касательная к
no lines — телефон. все линии заняты ( служебный сигнал)
plotted as a line — мат. выраженный [представленный] линией ( о функциональной зависимости)
to line up on approach lights — авиац. выходить на огни
to produce a line — геом. построить линию
to seize a line — телефон. занимать линию
- absorption spectral line - coaxial supply line - coaxial transmission lineto take in line — полигр. вгонять строку
- cut line- die line- downstream water line- end line- line of constant rotation - line of equal probability - multischedule private line - numerical line - projective line - properly parallel lines - real number line - section line - water-oil interface line - waveguide transmission line -
11 PC
1) Общая лексика: ПЭВМ, (Permanent Council) ПС (Постоянный совет) (ОБСЕ)2) Компьютерная техника: Painless Computing, Personal Computing, Personally Configured, Poor Communication, Proactive Computing, Processor Control, Programmable Calculator3) Геология: Pacific Coast, Pocket Computer4) Медицина: Prompt Care, primary cell, prenylcysteine5) Американизм: Penn Charter, Presidents Council, Privatization And Cuts6) Спорт: Paul's Chips, Pitch Class, Player Characteristic, Player Coach, Pre Christ, Punt Center, Республиканский Совет7) Латинский язык: Patres Conscripti8) Военный термин: II PROVIDE COMFORT II, Parallel Computing, Pass Certified, Patrol Coastal, Pay Corps, Paymaster-in-Chief, Pharmacy Corps, Police Corps, Postal Clerk, Power Converter, Procurement Command, Provide Comfort, pack code, panoramic camera, paralyzing concentration, parts catalog, past commander, patrol carrier, patrol commander, patrol craft, pay clerk, performance code, personnel carrier, plane captain, plane commander, port call, positive control, post commander, power control, predictor control, primary center, principal chaplain, procurement coordinator, production control, program change, program control, programmed check, project code, project control, project coordination, projector charge, prophylactic center, prototype concept, pseudocode, purchasing and contracting9) Техника: Personal Call, current price, paper chromatography, parity check, parity control, partly cash, pay card, perfectly conducting, peripheral controller, personal correction, phase center, photo-cathode, photoconductor, plant computer, plasma chromatography, polar crane, polymer concrete, power center, pressure chamber, prime contractor, private circuit, process computer, process control, process controller, production certificate, professional communication, program console, program coordinator, program costs, project charter, proportional counter, propulsive coefficient, protective clothing, protective coating, pulse counter, показатель концентрации солей10) Сельское хозяйство: post challenge, prime cost11) Шутливое выражение: Perfect Computer, Personal Confuser, Plastic Computer12) Химия: Propylene Carbonate, potential controller13) Математика: Perfectly Complex, Polar Cycloaddition, исчисление высказываний (propositional calculus), исчисление предикатов (predicate calculus), парное сравнение (paired comparison)14) Религия: Perfectly Created, Persecuted Christian15) Метеорология: Program Council16) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation17) Юридический термин: Partial Conversion, Personal Cause, Personal Copier, Personally Corrupt, Physical Containment, Plain Courtesy, Probable Cause18) Бухгалтерия: Per Capita, Premier Casting19) Астрономия: Planetary Contrast20) Ветеринария: Pet Chihuahua, Pony Club21) Грубое выражение: Piece Of Crap, Poncey Crap, Pretentious Crap, Pretty Crappy, Pushy Chick22) Металлургия: первичное охлаждение (primary cooling) (прямого коксового газа)23) Музыка: Polyphonic Collection24) Оптика: photoconductive25) Политика: Pitcairn Islands, Progressive Conservative, политкорректно, политкорректный26) Радио: Poor Connection, PALAPA-C, диапазон С-Палапа (спутниковый)27) Телекоммуникации: Path Control, Personal Communications, Program Counter, персональный компьютер28) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Patrol craft, Patrol Craft (River; R), Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F), Peace Corps, PerCent; PerCentage, Personal Computer (IBM wants you to believe a specific kind), Physical Conditioning, Platoon Commander, Player Character, Post Card, Postal & Courier, Printed Circuit (electronics circuit board), Privileged Character, Privy Council, Providence College, Pulse Compression, paid cash, pitch circle, planned cost, plug cock, point of curve, police constable, private contract, production cost, тайный совет (Великобритания) (a privy council), Progressive Conservative party (Canada), Post Cibum (after meals), prime costs, privy councillor29) Текстиль: Pearl Cotton30) Университет: Partial Credit, Pomona College31) Физиология: After Meals, Perforated Cranium, Peripheral Clarity, Phone call, Posterior Cervical, Present Complaint32) Электроника: Powder Coating, Pre-emphasis Circuits33) Вычислительная техника: DOS personal computer disk operating system, Priority Control, Protocol Control, parameter checkout, photocell, primary cache, processing complexity, programmable controller, pulse code, pulse controller, punched card, Printed Circuit (IC), Player Character (see, Role-playing), персональный компьютер семейства IBM PC, указатель команд34) Нефть: photoclinometer, производственный сертификат (production certificate), Peзиcтивимeтpия35) Иммунология: Primitive Cell36) Биохимия: phosphatidylcholine37) Онкология: Prostate Cancer38) Картография: pilotage chart, point of curvature39) Банковское дело: мелкие деньги (petty cash), небольшая наличная сумма (petty cash), разменная монета (petty cash), сертификат участия (PC participation certificate)40) Биотехнология: Pockels cell41) Геофизика: персональная электронно-вычислительная машина42) Транспорт: Passenger Car, Politically Correct, Precious Cargo43) Пищевая промышленность: Pass The Corona, Plant Corn, Pork Chops44) Силикатное производство: photochromic, portland cement45) Фирменный знак: PCA Electronics, Prism Card46) Энергетика: (powderized coal) порошкообразный уголь48) Деловая лексика: Paper Copy, Paying Customer, Person Contacted, Personally Crafted, Planning And Control, Power Compact, Precedents Committee, Product Closure, Production Capability, Production Cup, Professional Corporation, Profit Choice, Profitability Constraint, Purchase Constantly, персональная вычислительная машина (personal computer), частичная загрузка, производственный контракт49) Бурение: портер-крик (Porter Creek; свита группы мидуэй палеоцена третичной системы), пэйнт-крик (Paint Creek; свита отдела честер миссисипской системы), укороченная бурильная труба (pony collar)50) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pressure control, processing center51) Образование: Perfect For Child, Phrase Command, Physically Challenged, Polite And Courteous52) Инвестиции: participation certificate, petty cash53) Сетевые технологии: Personal Cluster, personal computer, ПК, персональный компьютер семейства54) Полимеры: polycarbonate, polychloroprene, post-chlorinated, potential corrosivity, pressure controller55) Автоматика: plug control, персональная ЭВМ, программируемый командоаппарат, программируемый контроллер56) Контроль качества: parameter check-out57) Химическое оружие: ( KHIMBIOKOM) -\> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Project coordinator59) Макаров: phase comparator, programmable control, programming center, поликарбонат, (plug control) цикловое ПУ60) Расширение файла: Parametric Cubic, Printed Circuit, Processor Controller, Program Computer, Punch Card, Text file containing IBM PC specific info61) Нефть и газ: process condensate, performance contract, (Production Crude) Добытая нефть62) Логистика: physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры)63) Военно-политический термин: Political Committee64) Электротехника: peaking capacity, phase control, power contactor, pulsating current, pulverized coal65) Имена и фамилии: Prince Charming66) Ebay. Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units)67) Печатные платы: production capable68) ООН: Peaceful Coexistance69) Цемент: plain cement, бездобавочный цемент, клинкерный цемент, цемент без добавок, чистый клинкерный цемент, straight cement70) Общественная организация: Population Connection, Population Council, Presidential Classroom, Programme Committee, Public Citizen71) Должность: Paper Carrier, Perfect Corner, Perfectly Comfortable, Personal Consultant, Poetic Chap, Privy Counsellor72) Чат: Past Caring, Post A Comment, Pretty Chancy, Pretty Cheap, Pretty Clever, Pretty Cool, Pretty Cute73) Правительство: Pacific Crest, Panama City, Florida, Pepper Canyon, Pine Creek74) NYSE. P C Holdings, S. A.75) Аэропорты: система количества мест (Piece Conсept:; as opposed to Weight Conсept)76) Программное обеспечение: Proof Checker77) Хобби: Platina Cards -
12 Pc
1) Общая лексика: ПЭВМ, (Permanent Council) ПС (Постоянный совет) (ОБСЕ)2) Компьютерная техника: Painless Computing, Personal Computing, Personally Configured, Poor Communication, Proactive Computing, Processor Control, Programmable Calculator3) Геология: Pacific Coast, Pocket Computer4) Медицина: Prompt Care, primary cell, prenylcysteine5) Американизм: Penn Charter, Presidents Council, Privatization And Cuts6) Спорт: Paul's Chips, Pitch Class, Player Characteristic, Player Coach, Pre Christ, Punt Center, Республиканский Совет7) Латинский язык: Patres Conscripti8) Военный термин: II PROVIDE COMFORT II, Parallel Computing, Pass Certified, Patrol Coastal, Pay Corps, Paymaster-in-Chief, Pharmacy Corps, Police Corps, Postal Clerk, Power Converter, Procurement Command, Provide Comfort, pack code, panoramic camera, paralyzing concentration, parts catalog, past commander, patrol carrier, patrol commander, patrol craft, pay clerk, performance code, personnel carrier, plane captain, plane commander, port call, positive control, post commander, power control, predictor control, primary center, principal chaplain, procurement coordinator, production control, program change, program control, programmed check, project code, project control, project coordination, projector charge, prophylactic center, prototype concept, pseudocode, purchasing and contracting9) Техника: Personal Call, current price, paper chromatography, parity check, parity control, partly cash, pay card, perfectly conducting, peripheral controller, personal correction, phase center, photo-cathode, photoconductor, plant computer, plasma chromatography, polar crane, polymer concrete, power center, pressure chamber, prime contractor, private circuit, process computer, process control, process controller, production certificate, professional communication, program console, program coordinator, program costs, project charter, proportional counter, propulsive coefficient, protective clothing, protective coating, pulse counter, показатель концентрации солей10) Сельское хозяйство: post challenge, prime cost11) Шутливое выражение: Perfect Computer, Personal Confuser, Plastic Computer12) Химия: Propylene Carbonate, potential controller13) Математика: Perfectly Complex, Polar Cycloaddition, исчисление высказываний (propositional calculus), исчисление предикатов (predicate calculus), парное сравнение (paired comparison)14) Религия: Perfectly Created, Persecuted Christian15) Метеорология: Program Council16) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation17) Юридический термин: Partial Conversion, Personal Cause, Personal Copier, Personally Corrupt, Physical Containment, Plain Courtesy, Probable Cause18) Бухгалтерия: Per Capita, Premier Casting19) Астрономия: Planetary Contrast20) Ветеринария: Pet Chihuahua, Pony Club21) Грубое выражение: Piece Of Crap, Poncey Crap, Pretentious Crap, Pretty Crappy, Pushy Chick22) Металлургия: первичное охлаждение (primary cooling) (прямого коксового газа)23) Музыка: Polyphonic Collection24) Оптика: photoconductive25) Политика: Pitcairn Islands, Progressive Conservative, политкорректно, политкорректный26) Радио: Poor Connection, PALAPA-C, диапазон С-Палапа (спутниковый)27) Телекоммуникации: Path Control, Personal Communications, Program Counter, персональный компьютер28) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Patrol craft, Patrol Craft (River; R), Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F), Peace Corps, PerCent; PerCentage, Personal Computer (IBM wants you to believe a specific kind), Physical Conditioning, Platoon Commander, Player Character, Post Card, Postal & Courier, Printed Circuit (electronics circuit board), Privileged Character, Privy Council, Providence College, Pulse Compression, paid cash, pitch circle, planned cost, plug cock, point of curve, police constable, private contract, production cost, тайный совет (Великобритания) (a privy council), Progressive Conservative party (Canada), Post Cibum (after meals), prime costs, privy councillor29) Текстиль: Pearl Cotton30) Университет: Partial Credit, Pomona College31) Физиология: After Meals, Perforated Cranium, Peripheral Clarity, Phone call, Posterior Cervical, Present Complaint32) Электроника: Powder Coating, Pre-emphasis Circuits33) Вычислительная техника: DOS personal computer disk operating system, Priority Control, Protocol Control, parameter checkout, photocell, primary cache, processing complexity, programmable controller, pulse code, pulse controller, punched card, Printed Circuit (IC), Player Character (see, Role-playing), персональный компьютер семейства IBM PC, указатель команд34) Нефть: photoclinometer, производственный сертификат (production certificate), Peзиcтивимeтpия35) Иммунология: Primitive Cell36) Биохимия: phosphatidylcholine37) Онкология: Prostate Cancer38) Картография: pilotage chart, point of curvature39) Банковское дело: мелкие деньги (petty cash), небольшая наличная сумма (petty cash), разменная монета (petty cash), сертификат участия (PC participation certificate)40) Биотехнология: Pockels cell41) Геофизика: персональная электронно-вычислительная машина42) Транспорт: Passenger Car, Politically Correct, Precious Cargo43) Пищевая промышленность: Pass The Corona, Plant Corn, Pork Chops44) Силикатное производство: photochromic, portland cement45) Фирменный знак: PCA Electronics, Prism Card46) Энергетика: (powderized coal) порошкообразный уголь48) Деловая лексика: Paper Copy, Paying Customer, Person Contacted, Personally Crafted, Planning And Control, Power Compact, Precedents Committee, Product Closure, Production Capability, Production Cup, Professional Corporation, Profit Choice, Profitability Constraint, Purchase Constantly, персональная вычислительная машина (personal computer), частичная загрузка, производственный контракт49) Бурение: портер-крик (Porter Creek; свита группы мидуэй палеоцена третичной системы), пэйнт-крик (Paint Creek; свита отдела честер миссисипской системы), укороченная бурильная труба (pony collar)50) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pressure control, processing center51) Образование: Perfect For Child, Phrase Command, Physically Challenged, Polite And Courteous52) Инвестиции: participation certificate, petty cash53) Сетевые технологии: Personal Cluster, personal computer, ПК, персональный компьютер семейства54) Полимеры: polycarbonate, polychloroprene, post-chlorinated, potential corrosivity, pressure controller55) Автоматика: plug control, персональная ЭВМ, программируемый командоаппарат, программируемый контроллер56) Контроль качества: parameter check-out57) Химическое оружие: ( KHIMBIOKOM) -\> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Project coordinator59) Макаров: phase comparator, programmable control, programming center, поликарбонат, (plug control) цикловое ПУ60) Расширение файла: Parametric Cubic, Printed Circuit, Processor Controller, Program Computer, Punch Card, Text file containing IBM PC specific info61) Нефть и газ: process condensate, performance contract, (Production Crude) Добытая нефть62) Логистика: physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры)63) Военно-политический термин: Political Committee64) Электротехника: peaking capacity, phase control, power contactor, pulsating current, pulverized coal65) Имена и фамилии: Prince Charming66) Ebay. Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units)67) Печатные платы: production capable68) ООН: Peaceful Coexistance69) Цемент: plain cement, бездобавочный цемент, клинкерный цемент, цемент без добавок, чистый клинкерный цемент, straight cement70) Общественная организация: Population Connection, Population Council, Presidential Classroom, Programme Committee, Public Citizen71) Должность: Paper Carrier, Perfect Corner, Perfectly Comfortable, Personal Consultant, Poetic Chap, Privy Counsellor72) Чат: Past Caring, Post A Comment, Pretty Chancy, Pretty Cheap, Pretty Clever, Pretty Cool, Pretty Cute73) Правительство: Pacific Crest, Panama City, Florida, Pepper Canyon, Pine Creek74) NYSE. P C Holdings, S. A.75) Аэропорты: система количества мест (Piece Conсept:; as opposed to Weight Conсept)76) Программное обеспечение: Proof Checker77) Хобби: Platina Cards -
13 pC
1) Общая лексика: ПЭВМ, (Permanent Council) ПС (Постоянный совет) (ОБСЕ)2) Компьютерная техника: Painless Computing, Personal Computing, Personally Configured, Poor Communication, Proactive Computing, Processor Control, Programmable Calculator3) Геология: Pacific Coast, Pocket Computer4) Медицина: Prompt Care, primary cell, prenylcysteine5) Американизм: Penn Charter, Presidents Council, Privatization And Cuts6) Спорт: Paul's Chips, Pitch Class, Player Characteristic, Player Coach, Pre Christ, Punt Center, Республиканский Совет7) Латинский язык: Patres Conscripti8) Военный термин: II PROVIDE COMFORT II, Parallel Computing, Pass Certified, Patrol Coastal, Pay Corps, Paymaster-in-Chief, Pharmacy Corps, Police Corps, Postal Clerk, Power Converter, Procurement Command, Provide Comfort, pack code, panoramic camera, paralyzing concentration, parts catalog, past commander, patrol carrier, patrol commander, patrol craft, pay clerk, performance code, personnel carrier, plane captain, plane commander, port call, positive control, post commander, power control, predictor control, primary center, principal chaplain, procurement coordinator, production control, program change, program control, programmed check, project code, project control, project coordination, projector charge, prophylactic center, prototype concept, pseudocode, purchasing and contracting9) Техника: Personal Call, current price, paper chromatography, parity check, parity control, partly cash, pay card, perfectly conducting, peripheral controller, personal correction, phase center, photo-cathode, photoconductor, plant computer, plasma chromatography, polar crane, polymer concrete, power center, pressure chamber, prime contractor, private circuit, process computer, process control, process controller, production certificate, professional communication, program console, program coordinator, program costs, project charter, proportional counter, propulsive coefficient, protective clothing, protective coating, pulse counter, показатель концентрации солей10) Сельское хозяйство: post challenge, prime cost11) Шутливое выражение: Perfect Computer, Personal Confuser, Plastic Computer12) Химия: Propylene Carbonate, potential controller13) Математика: Perfectly Complex, Polar Cycloaddition, исчисление высказываний (propositional calculus), исчисление предикатов (predicate calculus), парное сравнение (paired comparison)14) Религия: Perfectly Created, Persecuted Christian15) Метеорология: Program Council16) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation17) Юридический термин: Partial Conversion, Personal Cause, Personal Copier, Personally Corrupt, Physical Containment, Plain Courtesy, Probable Cause18) Бухгалтерия: Per Capita, Premier Casting19) Астрономия: Planetary Contrast20) Ветеринария: Pet Chihuahua, Pony Club21) Грубое выражение: Piece Of Crap, Poncey Crap, Pretentious Crap, Pretty Crappy, Pushy Chick22) Металлургия: первичное охлаждение (primary cooling) (прямого коксового газа)23) Музыка: Polyphonic Collection24) Оптика: photoconductive25) Политика: Pitcairn Islands, Progressive Conservative, политкорректно, политкорректный26) Радио: Poor Connection, PALAPA-C, диапазон С-Палапа (спутниковый)27) Телекоммуникации: Path Control, Personal Communications, Program Counter, персональный компьютер28) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Patrol craft, Patrol Craft (River; R), Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F), Peace Corps, PerCent; PerCentage, Personal Computer (IBM wants you to believe a specific kind), Physical Conditioning, Platoon Commander, Player Character, Post Card, Postal & Courier, Printed Circuit (electronics circuit board), Privileged Character, Privy Council, Providence College, Pulse Compression, paid cash, pitch circle, planned cost, plug cock, point of curve, police constable, private contract, production cost, тайный совет (Великобритания) (a privy council), Progressive Conservative party (Canada), Post Cibum (after meals), prime costs, privy councillor29) Текстиль: Pearl Cotton30) Университет: Partial Credit, Pomona College31) Физиология: After Meals, Perforated Cranium, Peripheral Clarity, Phone call, Posterior Cervical, Present Complaint32) Электроника: Powder Coating, Pre-emphasis Circuits33) Вычислительная техника: DOS personal computer disk operating system, Priority Control, Protocol Control, parameter checkout, photocell, primary cache, processing complexity, programmable controller, pulse code, pulse controller, punched card, Printed Circuit (IC), Player Character (see, Role-playing), персональный компьютер семейства IBM PC, указатель команд34) Нефть: photoclinometer, производственный сертификат (production certificate), Peзиcтивимeтpия35) Иммунология: Primitive Cell36) Биохимия: phosphatidylcholine37) Онкология: Prostate Cancer38) Картография: pilotage chart, point of curvature39) Банковское дело: мелкие деньги (petty cash), небольшая наличная сумма (petty cash), разменная монета (petty cash), сертификат участия (PC participation certificate)40) Биотехнология: Pockels cell41) Геофизика: персональная электронно-вычислительная машина42) Транспорт: Passenger Car, Politically Correct, Precious Cargo43) Пищевая промышленность: Pass The Corona, Plant Corn, Pork Chops44) Силикатное производство: photochromic, portland cement45) Фирменный знак: PCA Electronics, Prism Card46) Энергетика: (powderized coal) порошкообразный уголь48) Деловая лексика: Paper Copy, Paying Customer, Person Contacted, Personally Crafted, Planning And Control, Power Compact, Precedents Committee, Product Closure, Production Capability, Production Cup, Professional Corporation, Profit Choice, Profitability Constraint, Purchase Constantly, персональная вычислительная машина (personal computer), частичная загрузка, производственный контракт49) Бурение: портер-крик (Porter Creek; свита группы мидуэй палеоцена третичной системы), пэйнт-крик (Paint Creek; свита отдела честер миссисипской системы), укороченная бурильная труба (pony collar)50) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pressure control, processing center51) Образование: Perfect For Child, Phrase Command, Physically Challenged, Polite And Courteous52) Инвестиции: participation certificate, petty cash53) Сетевые технологии: Personal Cluster, personal computer, ПК, персональный компьютер семейства54) Полимеры: polycarbonate, polychloroprene, post-chlorinated, potential corrosivity, pressure controller55) Автоматика: plug control, персональная ЭВМ, программируемый командоаппарат, программируемый контроллер56) Контроль качества: parameter check-out57) Химическое оружие: ( KHIMBIOKOM) -\> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Project coordinator59) Макаров: phase comparator, programmable control, programming center, поликарбонат, (plug control) цикловое ПУ60) Расширение файла: Parametric Cubic, Printed Circuit, Processor Controller, Program Computer, Punch Card, Text file containing IBM PC specific info61) Нефть и газ: process condensate, performance contract, (Production Crude) Добытая нефть62) Логистика: physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры)63) Военно-политический термин: Political Committee64) Электротехника: peaking capacity, phase control, power contactor, pulsating current, pulverized coal65) Имена и фамилии: Prince Charming66) Ebay. Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units)67) Печатные платы: production capable68) ООН: Peaceful Coexistance69) Цемент: plain cement, бездобавочный цемент, клинкерный цемент, цемент без добавок, чистый клинкерный цемент, straight cement70) Общественная организация: Population Connection, Population Council, Presidential Classroom, Programme Committee, Public Citizen71) Должность: Paper Carrier, Perfect Corner, Perfectly Comfortable, Personal Consultant, Poetic Chap, Privy Counsellor72) Чат: Past Caring, Post A Comment, Pretty Chancy, Pretty Cheap, Pretty Clever, Pretty Cool, Pretty Cute73) Правительство: Pacific Crest, Panama City, Florida, Pepper Canyon, Pine Creek74) NYSE. P C Holdings, S. A.75) Аэропорты: система количества мест (Piece Conсept:; as opposed to Weight Conсept)76) Программное обеспечение: Proof Checker77) Хобби: Platina Cards -
14 pc
1) Общая лексика: ПЭВМ, (Permanent Council) ПС (Постоянный совет) (ОБСЕ)2) Компьютерная техника: Painless Computing, Personal Computing, Personally Configured, Poor Communication, Proactive Computing, Processor Control, Programmable Calculator3) Геология: Pacific Coast, Pocket Computer4) Медицина: Prompt Care, primary cell, prenylcysteine5) Американизм: Penn Charter, Presidents Council, Privatization And Cuts6) Спорт: Paul's Chips, Pitch Class, Player Characteristic, Player Coach, Pre Christ, Punt Center, Республиканский Совет7) Латинский язык: Patres Conscripti8) Военный термин: II PROVIDE COMFORT II, Parallel Computing, Pass Certified, Patrol Coastal, Pay Corps, Paymaster-in-Chief, Pharmacy Corps, Police Corps, Postal Clerk, Power Converter, Procurement Command, Provide Comfort, pack code, panoramic camera, paralyzing concentration, parts catalog, past commander, patrol carrier, patrol commander, patrol craft, pay clerk, performance code, personnel carrier, plane captain, plane commander, port call, positive control, post commander, power control, predictor control, primary center, principal chaplain, procurement coordinator, production control, program change, program control, programmed check, project code, project control, project coordination, projector charge, prophylactic center, prototype concept, pseudocode, purchasing and contracting9) Техника: Personal Call, current price, paper chromatography, parity check, parity control, partly cash, pay card, perfectly conducting, peripheral controller, personal correction, phase center, photo-cathode, photoconductor, plant computer, plasma chromatography, polar crane, polymer concrete, power center, pressure chamber, prime contractor, private circuit, process computer, process control, process controller, production certificate, professional communication, program console, program coordinator, program costs, project charter, proportional counter, propulsive coefficient, protective clothing, protective coating, pulse counter, показатель концентрации солей10) Сельское хозяйство: post challenge, prime cost11) Шутливое выражение: Perfect Computer, Personal Confuser, Plastic Computer12) Химия: Propylene Carbonate, potential controller13) Математика: Perfectly Complex, Polar Cycloaddition, исчисление высказываний (propositional calculus), исчисление предикатов (predicate calculus), парное сравнение (paired comparison)14) Религия: Perfectly Created, Persecuted Christian15) Метеорология: Program Council16) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation17) Юридический термин: Partial Conversion, Personal Cause, Personal Copier, Personally Corrupt, Physical Containment, Plain Courtesy, Probable Cause18) Бухгалтерия: Per Capita, Premier Casting19) Астрономия: Planetary Contrast20) Ветеринария: Pet Chihuahua, Pony Club21) Грубое выражение: Piece Of Crap, Poncey Crap, Pretentious Crap, Pretty Crappy, Pushy Chick22) Металлургия: первичное охлаждение (primary cooling) (прямого коксового газа)23) Музыка: Polyphonic Collection24) Оптика: photoconductive25) Политика: Pitcairn Islands, Progressive Conservative, политкорректно, политкорректный26) Радио: Poor Connection, PALAPA-C, диапазон С-Палапа (спутниковый)27) Телекоммуникации: Path Control, Personal Communications, Program Counter, персональный компьютер28) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Patrol craft, Patrol Craft (River; R), Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F), Peace Corps, PerCent; PerCentage, Personal Computer (IBM wants you to believe a specific kind), Physical Conditioning, Platoon Commander, Player Character, Post Card, Postal & Courier, Printed Circuit (electronics circuit board), Privileged Character, Privy Council, Providence College, Pulse Compression, paid cash, pitch circle, planned cost, plug cock, point of curve, police constable, private contract, production cost, тайный совет (Великобритания) (a privy council), Progressive Conservative party (Canada), Post Cibum (after meals), prime costs, privy councillor29) Текстиль: Pearl Cotton30) Университет: Partial Credit, Pomona College31) Физиология: After Meals, Perforated Cranium, Peripheral Clarity, Phone call, Posterior Cervical, Present Complaint32) Электроника: Powder Coating, Pre-emphasis Circuits33) Вычислительная техника: DOS personal computer disk operating system, Priority Control, Protocol Control, parameter checkout, photocell, primary cache, processing complexity, programmable controller, pulse code, pulse controller, punched card, Printed Circuit (IC), Player Character (see, Role-playing), персональный компьютер семейства IBM PC, указатель команд34) Нефть: photoclinometer, производственный сертификат (production certificate), Peзиcтивимeтpия35) Иммунология: Primitive Cell36) Биохимия: phosphatidylcholine37) Онкология: Prostate Cancer38) Картография: pilotage chart, point of curvature39) Банковское дело: мелкие деньги (petty cash), небольшая наличная сумма (petty cash), разменная монета (petty cash), сертификат участия (PC participation certificate)40) Биотехнология: Pockels cell41) Геофизика: персональная электронно-вычислительная машина42) Транспорт: Passenger Car, Politically Correct, Precious Cargo43) Пищевая промышленность: Pass The Corona, Plant Corn, Pork Chops44) Силикатное производство: photochromic, portland cement45) Фирменный знак: PCA Electronics, Prism Card46) Энергетика: (powderized coal) порошкообразный уголь48) Деловая лексика: Paper Copy, Paying Customer, Person Contacted, Personally Crafted, Planning And Control, Power Compact, Precedents Committee, Product Closure, Production Capability, Production Cup, Professional Corporation, Profit Choice, Profitability Constraint, Purchase Constantly, персональная вычислительная машина (personal computer), частичная загрузка, производственный контракт49) Бурение: портер-крик (Porter Creek; свита группы мидуэй палеоцена третичной системы), пэйнт-крик (Paint Creek; свита отдела честер миссисипской системы), укороченная бурильная труба (pony collar)50) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pressure control, processing center51) Образование: Perfect For Child, Phrase Command, Physically Challenged, Polite And Courteous52) Инвестиции: participation certificate, petty cash53) Сетевые технологии: Personal Cluster, personal computer, ПК, персональный компьютер семейства54) Полимеры: polycarbonate, polychloroprene, post-chlorinated, potential corrosivity, pressure controller55) Автоматика: plug control, персональная ЭВМ, программируемый командоаппарат, программируемый контроллер56) Контроль качества: parameter check-out57) Химическое оружие: ( KHIMBIOKOM) -\> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Project coordinator59) Макаров: phase comparator, programmable control, programming center, поликарбонат, (plug control) цикловое ПУ60) Расширение файла: Parametric Cubic, Printed Circuit, Processor Controller, Program Computer, Punch Card, Text file containing IBM PC specific info61) Нефть и газ: process condensate, performance contract, (Production Crude) Добытая нефть62) Логистика: physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры)63) Военно-политический термин: Political Committee64) Электротехника: peaking capacity, phase control, power contactor, pulsating current, pulverized coal65) Имена и фамилии: Prince Charming66) Ebay. Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units)67) Печатные платы: production capable68) ООН: Peaceful Coexistance69) Цемент: plain cement, бездобавочный цемент, клинкерный цемент, цемент без добавок, чистый клинкерный цемент, straight cement70) Общественная организация: Population Connection, Population Council, Presidential Classroom, Programme Committee, Public Citizen71) Должность: Paper Carrier, Perfect Corner, Perfectly Comfortable, Personal Consultant, Poetic Chap, Privy Counsellor72) Чат: Past Caring, Post A Comment, Pretty Chancy, Pretty Cheap, Pretty Clever, Pretty Cool, Pretty Cute73) Правительство: Pacific Crest, Panama City, Florida, Pepper Canyon, Pine Creek74) NYSE. P C Holdings, S. A.75) Аэропорты: система количества мест (Piece Conсept:; as opposed to Weight Conсept)76) Программное обеспечение: Proof Checker77) Хобби: Platina Cards -
15 center
1) центра) центральная точка; средняя точка; серединад) источник (воз)действия, силы или эффектаз) центральное учреждение; главное учреждение; центральный офис2) центрировать(ся); располагать(ся) в центре; находиться в центре3) определять центр; помечать центр•- center of circle
- center of corrosion - center of force
- center of gravity
- center of curvature
- center of inertia
- center of inversion
- center of luminescence
- center of mass
- center of phosphorescence
- center of pressure
- center of quenching
- center of similitude
- center of symmetry
- center of twist
- acceptor center
- acceptor impurity center
- active center
- adjustment training center
- administrative center
- air communication center
- air traffic control center
- area communication center
- array phase center - automatic switch center
- autoswitching center
- band center
- broadcast center
- broadcasting center
- call center
- charge center
- circuit switching center
- color center
- communication center
- computer center
- control center
- crisis center
- data center
- data processing center
- dead center
- deep space communication center
- deflection center
- dislocation center
- distribution center
- donor center
- donor impurity center
- effective acoustic center
- electrical center
- electron-trapping center
- F-center
- face center
- filter center
- flexural center
- flight information center - geometrical center - halaxy center
- hole-trapping center
- impurity center
- information center
- information processing center
- instantaneous rotation center - ion-exchange center
- junction center - leading center
- location center
- long-distance switching center
- magnetic reversal center
- message center
- message switching center
- mission control center
- mobile services switching center
- mode center
- multiple-energy level impurity center
- nerve center
- network information center - network production center
- network production television center
- nonbleaching F-center
- nonradiative-recombination center
- nucleating center
- nucleation center
- operation center - phase center
- photosensitivity center
- preparation center
- production center
- production television center
- program production center
- program production television center
- quenching center
- radiation-induced trapping center
- radiative-recombination center
- rate center
- ray center
- recombination center
- reference center
- regional program production center
- regional program production television center
- relay center
- rotation center
- sample center
- satellite data transmission center
- scattering center
- self-activated center
- service center
- single-energy level impurity center
- software support center
- step source center
- supporting communication center
- surface-trap center
- surface-trapping center
- switching center
- switching control center
- technical assistance center
- telecommunication center
- television center
- television operating center
- toll center
- tracking center
- transmission center
- trap center
- trapping center
- vision center
- visual center
- zone center -
16 correction
коррекция; исправление; поправкаcorrection for wind direction — поправка на несоосность [скос] потока
tailplane correction to trim — балансировочное отклонение (цельноповоротного) стабилизатора >
17 change
1. смена, изменение, перемена, замена; переключение2. менять(ся), изменять(ся), заменять; переключать
* * *
изменение; переход; превращение || изменять; переходить; превращаться
* * *
изменение; смена; трансформация
* * *
изменение; переход; превращение || изменять; переходить; превращатьсяchange in performance — изменение рабочих характеристик;
change in reservoir behavior — изменение поведения продуктивного пласта;
- change of drilling ratechange in sand conditions — изменение поведения песков;
- change of drilling speed
- change of gas volume
- change of lubricating oil
- change of oil color
- change of tool
- abrupt change
- areal reservoir permeability change
- bit change
- bottomhole flowing pressure change
- bottomhole pressure change
- curvature change
- deviation change
- drilling bit change
- drilling mud change
- drilling tool change
- facies change
- inclination change
- lateral reservoir permeability change
- mud-system change
- physical change
- productivity change
- pump setting depth change
- reliability design change
- reservoir changes
- seismic velocity change
- specification change
- sudden change
- vertical reservoir permeability change* * *• операция -
18 center
1) центр; середина || центрировать; устанавливать в среднем положении || центральный; средний2) центровое отверстие || центровать, зацентровывать3) многоцелевой станок, обрабатывающий центр4) вычислительный центр; центр подготовки УП, центр автоматизированной подготовки УП6) кернер7) центр, станочный центр8) сердцевина, ядро; средняя часть; средний слой ( многослойного материала)•- 5-face machining centeron center — установленный по оси, установленный по центру
- AC and ATC machining center
- AC center
- acceleration center
- adaptive control machining center
- antifriction center
- area control center
- arm center
- assembly center
- automatic control operation center
- automatic switching center
- AWT machining center
- back center
- ball bearing center
- bar-chucking and shaft-turning center
- bar-machining center
- bench centers
- blanking center
- bore/mill center
- branch information center
- bridge-type machining center
- CAD center
- cage center
- cage window center
- cantilever measuring center
- case center
- cell-configuration machining center
- center of acceleration
- center of action
- center of cross force
- center of curvature
- center of gravity
- center of lateral pressure
- center of lateral resistance
- center of lift
- center of mass
- center of oscillation
- center of pressure
- center of protected type
- center of resistance
- center of roll
- center of rotation
- center of system of parallel forces
- center of thrust
- chucking center
- circular part processing center
- CNC fabrication center
- CNC machining center
- CNC measuring center
- CNC micromachining center
- CNC plate-fabrication center
- CNC turning center
- combination grinding/machining center
- command center
- computation center
- computer center
- computer gage center
- computer graphics center
- computer numerically controlled machining center
- computer-aided design center
- computer-assisted instruction center
- computing center
- cone center
- control center
- coordinate inspection center
- cutting center
- data acquisition and processing center
- data center
- data distribution center
- data gathering center
- data processing center
- dead center
- decision center
- departmental STI center
- departmental test center
- departmental testing center
- direct numerically controlled machining center
- dispersion center
- DNC center
- DNC machining center
- DNC-controlled machining center
- documentation center
- double turning center
- drill and tapping center
- drill/mill center
- drilling and milling center
- drilling and tapping center
- drilling center
- drive center
- electrical discharge machining center
- elevating center
- end driver center
- extensible centers
- fabrication center
- fault-finding center
- five-face machining center
- five-side machining center
- fixed center
- fixed-column machining center
- flame-cutting center
- flexible inspection center
- flexible machining center
- flexible milling machine center
- flexible turning center
- flexural center
- floating center
- floor-type machining center
- foot stock center
- gantry-loaded turning center
- gear center
- gear cutting center
- gear inspection center
- gear measuring center
- grasping center
- grinder work center
- grinding center
- half center
- head center
- head-changing machining center
- headstock center
- high-precision machining center
- high-speed machining center
- high-technology machining center
- hollow center
- honeycomb center
- horizontal axis machining center
- horizontal machining center
- horizontal-spindle machining center
- hydraulic center
- impurity center
- index center
- information analysis center
- information center
- inner race spherical center
- instantaneous acceleration center
- instantaneous center of rotation
- instantaneous center
- instantaneous velocity center
- integrated data processing center
- integrated metrology center
- integrated production center
- internal center
- jig boring center
- jig-borer-class center
- knee-type machining center
- laser center
- laser cutting center
- laser extended machining center
- laser machining center
- laser/punch center
- laser-beam center
- lathe center
- lift center
- live center
- load center
- low-speed/heavy duty machining center
- machine center
- machining center
- magnetic center
- mass center
- measuring center
- micromachining center
- mill/turn center
- mill/turning center
- mill-drive turning center
- milling and drilling center
- milling center
- milling machine center
- milling/drilling center
- milling, turning and boring center
- milling-turning center
- moment center
- movable centers
- moving-column machining center
- moving-column/fixed table center
- multifunction machining center
- multipallet machining center
- multipurpose machining center
- NC milling machine center
- NC turning center
- nondimensioned circle center
- operator-controlled machining center
- operator-programmed center
- outer race spherical center
- pallet changer machining center
- part-processing center
- parts-programming center
- pipe center
- plasma-arc burning center
- plate center
- plate-processing center
- point-to-point machining center
- pool-fed machining center
- positioning center
- pot center
- precision machining center
- precision turning center
- processing center
- production machining center
- production turning center
- profiling center
- programming center
- punching and folding center
- punching and nibbing center
- quality control center
- quill-type machining center
- ram-type machining center
- random nucleation centers
- regional information center
- reinforced center
- revolving center
- revolving dead center
- robot center
- robot/machining center
- robotic center
- robotic inspection center
- robotic welding center
- rotary transfer machining center
- rotating center
- running center
- saw/centering center
- sawing center
- serrated drive center
- shaft-and-chucking turning center
- shaft-measuring center
- sharpening center
- sheet metal machining center
- sine centers
- single-column vertical machining center
- single-machining center
- single-pallet machining center
- slant turn mill center
- slideway grinding center
- slotted center
- slotting/shaping/machining center
- small manufacturing center
- small-envelope machining center
- small-part turning center
- software machining center
- spring loaded center
- state test center
- state testing center
- stationary center
- steel/titanium machining center
- strain center
- subspindle turning center
- subspindle-equipped turning center
- super-accurate machining center
- support center
- suspension center
- Swiss-style turning center
- table-type machining center
- tail center
- tailstock center
- tap-drive machining center
- tapping center
- test center
- thermal machining center
- thrust center
- tool management center
- tool preset center
- tool storage center
- tool-setting center
- tooth bearing center
- track centers
- transfer center
- transfer-line-ready machining center
- traveling column machining center
- traveling-type machining center
- triangular center
- turbine blade machining center
- turn-broach center
- turning center
- turning/boring center
- turning/boring/milling center
- turning/milling/grinding center
- turning-and-chucking center
- turning-and-machining center
- turn-mill center
- turret-type machining center
- twin opposed spindle turning center
- twin-head turning center
- unmanned machining center
- unmanned manufacturing center
- VBM machining center
- versatile production center
- vertical machining center
- vertical spindle machining center
- vertical turning center
- vertical turret machining center
- vertical/horizontal machining center
- vertical-axis machining center
- welding center
- work center
- working center
- zero-rpm centerEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > center
19 angle
угол; уголок (металлический профиль); угольник; фаза (колебаний)- angle at vertex - angle attachment - angle bar - angle bead - angle bearer - angle brace - angle bracket - angle bulldozer - angle cleat - angle clip - angle collision - angle crane - angle crush - angle cutter - angle dozer - angle diameter - angle drive - angle encoder - angle gate valve - angle gauge - angle indicator - angle joint - angle lever - angle meter - angle nutrunner - angle of action - angle of advance - angle of alteration - angle of approach - angle of arrival - angle of backing-off - angle of bending - angle of boom - angle of camber - angle of chamber - angle of connecting rod - angle of contact - angle of convergence - angle of cord - angle of countersink - angle of curvature - angle of departure - angle of descent - angle of dig - angle of friction - angle of gradient - angle of harrow - angle of helix - angle of incidence - angle of internal friction - angle of lead - angle of lag - angle of load - angle of lock - angle of obliquity - angle of obliquity of front wheels - angle of pitch - angle of pressure - angle of recess - angle of retarded closing - angle of rotation - angle of shafts - angle of slide - angle of slope - angle of spiral - angle of steering column - angle of taper - angle of thread - angle of torque - angle of torsion - angle of twist - angle parking - angle splice - angle valve - angle wrench - alternate angles - apex angle - of a cone - automatic advance angle - back angle - banking angle - base angle - base helix angle - bucket digging angle - cam angle - camber angle - central angle - chamfer angle - clearance angle - combined angle - complementary angle - conjugate angle - contiguous angle - corresponding angle - crank angle - critical angle - curvilinear angle - decrement angle - dedendum angle - discharge angle - dozer blade angle - draft angle - dropping angle - dumping angle - dwell angle - external angle - fishing angle - fixer advance angle - flex angle - frame toe-in angle - frame toe-out angle - front angle - generating angle - gliding angle - gradient angle - grip-hold angle - helix angle - hole angle - horizontal plane angle measuring error - idler tilt angle - ignition dwell angle - interference angle - lead angle - lifting angle - limit angle - lock angle - locking angle - nip angle - obtuse angle - operating angle - overlap angle - phase angle - pitch angle - pitch cone angle - pivot angle - pivot stud angle - plane angle - power angle - preset digging angle - pressure angle - push angle - rake angle - reclining seat angle - runner blade angle - reentering angle - ripper tilt angle - rocking angle - roll angle - rotation angle - screen angle - shearing angle - sieve angle - slip angle - spiral angle - steering angle - straight angle - striking angle - supplementary angle - taper angle - thread angle - timing angle - trihedral angle - truck swivel angle - valve face angle - viewing angle - wheel alignment angle - wheel leaning angle - wheel turning angle -
20 surface
поверхность; площадь; покрытие; поверхностныйILS obstruction clearance surface — поверхность, свободная от препятствий, в зоне захода на посадку по системе ИЛС
liquid nitrogen cooled surface — поверхность, охлаждаемая жидким азотом
obstacle clearance surface — поверхность, свободная от препятствий или с заданным превышением над препятствиями
См. также в других словарях:
Vapor pressure — (also known as equilibrium vapor pressure or saturation vapor pressure ), is the pressure of a vapor in equilibrium with its non vapor phases. All liquids and solids have a tendency to evaporate to a gaseous form, and all gases have a tendency to … Wikipedia
Mean curvature — In mathematics, the mean curvature H of a surface S is an extrinsic measure of curvature that comes from differential geometry and that locally describes the curvature of an embedded surface in some ambient space such as Euclidean space. The… … Wikipedia
Center of curvature of a curve — Center Cen ter, n. [F. centre, fr. L. centrum, fr. round which a circle is described, fr. ? to prick, goad.] 1. A point equally distant from the extremities of a line, figure, or body, or from all parts of the circumference of a circle; the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maximum bubble pressure method — In physics, the maximum bubble pressure method, or in short bubble measure method, is a technique to measure the surface tension of a liquid, with surfactants. Contents 1 Background 2 Maximum bubble pressure method 3 References … Wikipedia
Center of pressure — Center Cen ter, n. [F. centre, fr. L. centrum, fr. round which a circle is described, fr. ? to prick, goad.] 1. A point equally distant from the extremities of a line, figure, or body, or from all parts of the circumference of a circle; the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ram pressure — The pressure generated by the deflection of the fluid flow due to the curvature of the stator blades, resulting in a momentum acting on the turbine … Dictionary of automotive terms
Balanced flow — In atmospheric science, balanced flow is an idealisation of atmospheric motion. The idealisation consists in considering the behaviour of one isolated parcel of air having constant density, its motion on a horizontal plane subject to selected… … Wikipedia
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium
Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric — FRW redirects here. For other uses, see FRW (disambiguation). Physical cosmology … Wikipedia
Scoliosis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 M41 … Wikipedia
Friedmann equations — Physical cosmology Universe · Big Bang … Wikipedia